Cannabis has been one of the most controversial topics worldwide for many years, from the endless debate about its legalization to the real use of this psychotropic.Many people strongly believe that marijuana is a drug that should be strictly penalized while for many others it is harmless medicine that has been used thro ughout the…

David Nebreda : Art or Disgust?

David Nebreda is a Spanish photographer who’s anything but ordinary. At the young age of 19 (which was more than 40 years ago), the Bachelor of Fine Arts graduate David Nebreda was diagnosed with schizophrenia. After the diagnosis, he locked himself up in a two bedroom apartment in Madrid and has lived there, voluntarily isolated from fleshy…

Street art presentation

The presentation of Carmen, Mayra and Roberto was a good topic to discuss. In my personal opinion, Street art is amazing but depend of what the artist wants to show us, sometimes is a social critic that help us to understand what is happening or wrong with the society. In my point of view, I…

Do you consider this as art?

I was scrolling on my FB page and I found this picture. Unfortunately I could}n’t find any information about it, but leaves me thinking about how crazy we are, how desperate to make something unique and different just to stand out among others. What do you think? Would yo do something like this to reflect…

Helena/Jahiri/Sharon (KATIA)

In my opinion , cinema has always acted, from its origins as a former model attitudes and lifestyles, as a mirror in which some people look to decide their models and their patterns of behavior from a certain perception of reality. Films can cause genuine mass movements. Because sometimes they are a very intense representations, very alive and…

Carmen, Roberto, Mayra (Presentation) KATIA

*About museums (Carmen) I believe that museums give an unique experience of getting close to things that we usually only see in books, or on television.Seeing a original piece of art for example, is a totally different experience to seeing one of the millions of printed versions; the perception you get of something from a second-hand source is often…

Katia´s presentation

Radio has been a very important mass media, to imform people, the Radio was used to inform about the beginning of the second world war.  To me, the outstanding point was that the WWII had a mayor impact on the music, and also on what they used to play on the radio. Also I think…